This installer will only install if you already have FAXcilitate 2.x installed. This installer will not update FAXcilitate 1.x. If you have FAXcilitate 1.x and wish to purchase FAXcilitate 2.x, you need to contact Diamond Multimedia's Customer Service Department at 800-727-8772 or (408) 325-7100.
Due to the implementation of a new CoverPage Editor application, you will be required to re-create your CoverPages. Your old coverpages will not be saved and they will not work correctly with this new version.
Your PhoneBooks should be preserved when updating to FAXcilitate 2.3.1, but just in case, BACK THEM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! That way if something does go wrong, you won't loose your phonebooks.
After updating you will also be required to go through the registration procedure again, but you DO NOT HAVE TO RE-TRANSMIT it. Go through the registration and fill all of the important information in, when you get to the last page that asks you to place your mailing address, serial numbers and such, you may cancel the registration at that time. You will then be asked whether to register Never or Later, just select Never. This will update your preferences so that your name and fax phone number will be accurate, then it automatically place the registration program in the trash. If you wish to resend your registration, you may do so. Just leave the serial number field blank, as there are no serial numbers.
To install the FAXcilitate 2.3.1 update quit this README and scroll to the bottom of the 2.3.1 FAXcilitate Updater window and run the Installer.
Thank you for upgrading to FAXcilitate 2.3.1.
If you have questions regarding FAXcilitate try using the manual or Apple Guides to find your solution. If you need technical support contact Diamond Multimedia's Technical Support Department at: